ILLIG at Anuga FoodTec 2018
Pactivity® - 360° Custom-made Packaging Development in Thermoforming
Heilbronn and Cologne,20th March 2018 - ILLIG, the thermoforming systems supplier will be showcasing their unique Pactivity® concept at this year's Anuga FoodTec from March 20 to 23 in Cologne. The machine and mold manufacturer will demonstrate its expertise in the field of packaging using the latest packaging systems. The experts from Heilbronn will show the versatility of their in-mold labeling in thermoforming (IML-T®) technology in combination with the clean and hygienic filling and packaging of food live at their stand. When progressing from the original product idea all the way to the right mold design and production system, there are numerous requirements that have to be met. ILLIG will give the customer insight into this process and offer their development services for thermoforming packaging - all from a single source.
Pactivity® - From the Packaging Idea to the Production System
ILLIG has decades of experience developing packaging and helping packaging manufacturers. Each project is treated independently, as no packaging is ever exactly the same. Development begins with the customer's initial idea and ends with an outstanding final product that meets all requirements. This entails numerous steps in between and several answers that have to be found to technical challenges along the way. Packaging for fresh fruits and produce is a good example of how multifaceted packaging can be. It has to ensure visibility of it contents, while also protecting them, and it must be suitable for transport, both to the market and throughout the logistics process. ILLIG packaging experts develop different variants for ventilation (hole vents or closure knobs with spacing for clamshell trays) and package closure (hinged lids, separate lids or without). Product, packaging material, volume and feasibility as well as decoration withIML-T® - all have to be analyzed to determine the design possibilities, a tool layout and line concept, because thermoforming offers a wide variety of different methods to produce packaging. The thermoforming method depends primarily on the required properties of the packaging. The decisive factors include design, desired material, and required output. Once the initial criteria have been successfully determined in the packaging development stage, an extensive testing phase follows that begins with the production of samples. This is followed by a number of required product tests and finally ends with the customer approval. Only then can work begin on the production system. ILLIG has the necessary know-how in tool making and machine construction and is familiar with all the technical requirements - world-wide.
Acerca de ILLIG
ILLIG es un proveedor líder mundial de sistemas de termoformado y envasado, así como de sistemas de utillaje
para plásticos y cartón. La gama de servicios incluye el desarrollo, el diseño, la producción, el montaje y la puesta en marcha
de líneas de producción complejas y componentes individuales.
ILLIG ofrece a sus clientes soluciones sostenibles y eficientes en cuanto a recursos en
con el desarrollo de envases "Pactivity® 360" y sistemas de envasado de alto rendimiento, y apoya a los fabricantes de envases en el diseño para el reciclaje. Con filiales propias y representantes en más de 80 países, ILLIG tiene presencia local en todos los mercados del mundo.
Desde hace 75 años, la empresa familiar apoya a sus clientes de todo el mundo como socio fiable en la producción económica de las exigentes piezas moldeadas
y de alta precisión, con tecnología innovadora de la más alta calidad
y un servicio global completo.
Más información:
Comunicación Corporativa, Prensa y Relaciones Públicas
ILLIG Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Robert-Bosch-Straße 10, D-74081 Heilbronn
Tel.: +49 7131 505-784
Notas: Los términos marcados con ® son marcas registradas y protegidas
de ILLIG Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG.
Fuente de la imagen: ILLIG